
Is your company expanding or relocating?

  • Consider the Dominican Republic for your nearshoring operations
  • One of the largest talent pools in the Central America – Caribbean region
  • 40% of the population aged between 25 and 54 and a median age of 27.3

Let us know your human capital needs

One of the largest population in the region

Demographic Breakdown

Despite labor shortages across the globe, the Dominican Republic has a labor pool of over 5 million people, all of whom are determined and eager for new career opportunities. 40% of the population is between 25 and 54 years old with a median age of 27.3, giving companies a large resource of talent to pull from.

Learn more about the INFOTEP - Free Zones program

Companies that operate under the free zone regime benefit from the training programs offered by the Technical Professional Training Institute (INFOTEP), which can be customized according to their needs.

Workforce development

Workforce development

The governance of Free Zones continually invests in the education of its people.  Our goal is to provide quality opportunities to help both our citizens and businesses achieve success. We do this by working with local institutions to develop training programs that suit our key industry sectors.

The zones have partnered with the Technical Professional Training Institute (INFOTEP), a government-run technical institute, to provide FREE custom workforce training programs, both for new companies and the companies operating under the free zone’s regime. Since its beginning, INFOTEP has trained +850,000 workers in different competencies and fields via over 40,000 courses and close to 800,000 training hours.

This turn-key solution will ensure that the individuals you are hiring are adequately trained and qualified, capable of performing the tasks required by your organization.

We continually work with national and international universities, as well as with technological institutes in the development of training programs focused on the needs of companies and the different industrial sectors that operate in the country. Some success stories that we can cite include the certifications in medical device manufacturing taught at INTEC university, UNIBE, PUCMM, O&M, as well as special programs at the Loyola Technical School and ITLA.

The English Immersion program for Competitiveness began in 2005 and is offered free of charge in universities and institutes dedicated to teaching English as a second language, under the coordination of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology.

It provides English language teaching opportunities to the population, through a management platform that allows the development of linguistic skills, with a communicative approach, in order to increase their professional education.

In its initial phase, the program lasted 600 hours. Currently, the duration of the program is 830 hours.

To date, +175,000 students have participated through the English Immersion Program for Competitiveness, acquiring skills that have allowed them to enter the labor market or access better job opportunities.