Business Process Outsourcing

Outsource to grow with us

  • BPO and Contact Centers have experienced exponential growth
  • Free Zones have generated over 22,000 direct jobs
  • Ranked 6th for English Proficiency in Latin America

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Solutions in BPO and Contact Centers

Your gateway to outsourcing success

xplore how the Dominican Republic’s Free Zones are revolutionizing the outsourcing landscape. Discover why businesses worldwide are turning to this Caribbean powerhouse for cost-effective, high-quality outsourcing services. From its strategic location to its skilled bilingual workforce, uncover the key insights driving outsourcing success in the Dominican Republic.

Transform your business

Discover how outsourcing services in the Dominican Republic are reshaping global business strategies. From cost savings to top-tier talent and strategic location advantages, explore why leading companies are harnessing the power of Dominican outsourcing for unparalleled success.

Business Process

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about outsourcing in the Dominican Republic, covering topics such as job creation, talent pool, geographic advantages, and industry initiatives.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and  Contact Centers, have been the fastest growing and largest subsectors in the Dominican Republic Free Zones over the last 10 years, both in the number of new jobs created and in number of companies. As businesses look for ways to reduce costs and maintain quality, they have turned to the Dominican Republic as their nearshore solution for these outsourcing needs.

Companies benefit primarily from a high caliber, skilled workforce and ideal geographic location, along with the strong business environment cultivated within the Free Zones.

The Dominican Contact Center & BPO industry began in 1995 and now has 103 companies and + 34,600 direct employees, outsourcing their services to the US, Canada, Latin America and Europe.

Benefits of outsourcing in the Dominican Republic:

  • Near-shore advantages like similar time zone and convenient travel.
  • High degree of cultural affinity with the US.
  • Moderately highly educated and motivated young population.
  • Accent neutral English language speakers.
  • Diverse capabilities from basic Data Entry to sophisticated BPO and KPO.
  • Interesting and fun place to visit for client meetings and training.
  • Advanced Telecommunication
  • The DR hosts the NAP of the Americas for advances connectivity.
  • Cost competitive.

The Cluster of Call Centers & BPOs, created in 2015, is a working committee of the Dominican Free Zones Association (ADOZONA), with the collaboration of the National Free Zones Council (CNZFE), and the operating companies.

It aims to elevate and promote the potential of the industry through various initiatives including:

  • Generating employment opportunities
  • Attracting new investments
  • Establishing educational programs to expand and improve our existing talent
  • Modernizing laws and regulations to improve competitiveness

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